Drop 'Zombie' diskgroup
View all mounted asm_diskgroups in the ASM instance SYS@+ASM> select NAME,STATE from v$asm_diskgroup 2 / NAME STATE ------------------------------ ----------- DATA2 MOUNTED DATA3 MOUNTED DATADG MOUNTED View all defined asm_diskgroups in the current ASM instance SYS@+ASM>show parameter disk NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ asm_diskgroups string BBXDG , DATADG, BBXDG3, BBXDG2, BBXL7, BBXL7REDO, BBXL7ARCHIV E , DATA2, BBXL7512, BBXL74096, BBXSTORAGE, L7BBX4096, BBXL7S B, BBXL7RAWDG, TEST, BBX7ONLIN ELOG, BBX7CONTROLFILE, BBXL7RA WASM , DATA3, BBXL7ASM512, BBX_ SP03, BBX_FDB asm_diskstring string /dev/raw/raw* Change spfile only to the mounted diskgroups SYS@+ASM> alter system set asm_diskgroups='DATA2','DATA3','DATADG'; Sys...