Starting the Oracle Data Guard Broker OBSERVER in the BACKGROUND
Prior to Oracle 12.2 we had to find some homemade tricks to run the Observer at the background this way: $ nohup dgmgrl -silent sys/P@$$w0rd@prmy_db "start observer" & Finally, From Oracle 12.2 the Observer can run in the background using wallet authentication to connect to primary & standby databases and the far sync instance. For configuring the wallet use the steps described in my post: " Creating a wallet - secure external password store " Starting the observer at the background using the wallet credentials: DGMGRL> START OBSERVER myobserver IN BACKGROUND FILE IS observer.dat LOGFILE IS observer.log CONNECT IDENTIFIER IS prmy_db Submitted command "START OBSERVER" using connect identifier "prmy_db" You can follow the progress of the observer looking at the logfile: $ tail observer.log Connected to "prmy_db" Connected as SYSDBA. [W000 11/10 21:14:08.47] FSFO target standby is stndby_db [W000 11/10 21:...