Basics commands for DBA part 1 - finding instance
Oratab location can be in the following locations:
Solaris: /var/opt/oracle/oratab
Please provide your own way if I missed some options
In the next few blogs I will discuss on scripting technics that DBA usually needs.
I am concentrating in the commands, that are usually part of larger script.
Identifying all instances running on the current machine
Option 1:
# ps -ef |grep smonSID is fdb and process id is 11459
oracle 3025 1 0 2016 ? 00:00:48 asm_smon_+ASM
oracle 11459 1 0 17:24 ? 00:00:00 ora_smon_fdb
root 12763 11332 0 17:52 pts/1 00:00:00 grep --color=auto smon
Option 2:
# pgrep -lf _pmon_SID is fdb and process id is 11459
3025 asm_pmon_+asm
11459 ora_pmon_fdb
Option 3:
Cleaner way for sid:$ ps -ef |grep 'ora_smon_.*$' | grep -v grep | awk -F_ '/ora_smon/{print $NF}'SID is fdb
Option 4:
When we already know ASM home (grid infrastructure) we can use the cluster commands:$ /oracle/product/ stat res -t -w "TYPE = ora.database.type"|awk '/^ora./ {l=$0;} !/^ora./ { if ( l > "" ) l=l " " $0; print l;l="";}'|grep ${HOSTNAME%%.*}SID is fdb
ora.fdb.db 1 ONLINE ONLINE dbhost Open,STABLE
Option 5:
Using /etc/oratab file$ cat /etc/oratab | grep -v ^'#' | grep -v ^$ | awk -F ":" ' { print $1 }' | grep -v ASM | uniqSID is fdb
Oratab location can be in the following locations:
Solaris: /var/opt/oracle/oratab
Identifying ORACLE_HOME of instance running on the current machine
Option 1:
Since we know the process id of the database, we can look at the environment variable was used when started the database$ grep -z ^ORACLE_HOME /proc/11459/environORACLE_HOME is /oracle/product/
Option 2:
pwdx - report current working directory of a process$ pwdx 11459ORACLE_HOME is /oracle/product/
11459: /oracle/product/
Option 3:
$ strings /proc/11459/environ | grep ORACLE_HOMEORACLE_HOME is /oracle/product/
Option 4:
Using /etc/oratab file$ cat /etc/oratab | grep ^${DB}: | grep -v ^$ | cut -d":" -f 2 | grep -v ASM | uniqORACLE_HOME is /oracle/product/
Please provide your own way if I missed some options
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